Phone Sales Attendant Jobs in the United Kingdom
Jobs & Careers

Phone Sales Attendant Jobs in the United Kingdom


Whether you’re looking for a job or just looking to advance your career, a Phone Sales Attendant job in the United Kingdom could be right for you. With a range of benefits including a competitive salary and flexible hours, this job is a good way to develop your career.


Typically, phone sales attendants in the United Kingdom earn a salary or commissions. They work in retail stores or as outside reps to sell cell phones and accessories to residential and commercial customers. They are hired on long-term contracts and benefit from the importance of cell phones. They usually do not need a college degree and can be hired with a professional appearance.

There are several types of phone sales attendants. For example, there are sales juniors, sales administrators, and associate professionals. Each has a different skill set and salary. Sales juniors typically earn PS9k-PS11k part-time. Sales administrators earn PS22k full-time, while associate professionals earn PS13k when combined.


How to apply

Traditionally the United Kingdom has been a very popular place to work, mainly because of its good economy. However, the country is changing as it prepares for the exit of the EU. There are changes in rules that need to be followed. It is also important to have a high level of English. In addition to that, you must have made Class 1 National Insurance contributions in the last two years.

UK job applications usually take the form of an online application. This is where you can provide your CV and personal statement. You will also need to provide at least two references. You may be asked to write an additional task or undergo testing. Depending on the company, you may be asked to participate in interviews. These can last anywhere from 30-60 minutes. You should dress formally and be prepared to discuss your skills and experience.

It is important to network when looking for a job. You can find contacts by joining professional networking sites like LinkedIn. You can also attend networking events in your area.


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