Having a work from home job can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, there are some things you need to keep in mind before starting your own online business. These include flexibility and legality.
Pay by commission
Getting a work from home job in the UK isn’t cheap, but the payoff can be well worth the effort. The perks include a decent paycheque, flexible hours, and the ability to work from home or anywhere else for that matter. The downside is the lack of social interaction. Fortunately, you can make up for this shortfall by taking advantage of your fellow employees’ social capital. Some employers even offer training programs.
In the UK, it’s no secret that sales jobs account for a hefty chunk of the employment pie. Commissions can be split with colleagues and bonuses can be afoot. While it’s impossible to say no, the truth is that a lot of people are better off looking for something a little less taxing. It’s also a good idea to keep a close eye on the boss. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t be happy with your compensation package, but you’ll want to be on the lookout for any red flags.
Require flexibility
Almost half of all office workers would quit if flexible working wasn’t offered. Nearly one in four work from home at least once a week.
Those in the UK have had the right to request flexible working since 2003, but if a company doesn’t agree to offer flexible working options, it must cite one or more business grounds. The government has launched a consultation to try and find out whether these grounds are still appropriate. It also aims to make flexible working the default option. It would require companies to respond to requests more quickly.
The government says it will provide an “enabling framework” to help employees start conversations about flexible working. It has been estimated that nearly 20 million applications were made in the UK last year. If all applicants are informed about flexible working options, 174,000 new flexible jobs would be created each year.
Currently, a worker has to request flexible working arrangements after six months of service. The government proposes giving all employees the right to request flexible working on their first day of work. Employees who are rejected must wait a year before making another request. They must also provide solid reasons for their refusal.
Legality of working from home
Whether an employee has a legal right to work from home in the United Kingdom depends on the specific law in that country. However, the law in the UK does address important issues such as the right to work flexibly.
The law is designed to protect the welfare and health of employees. It requires employers to provide a safe working environment and to follow official health and safety guidance. It also requires employers to provide suitable technology for the employee to work at home. In addition, it requires that employers have the ability to carry out an effective risk assessment.
The UK has a duty of care for its employees. The government has issued guidance on how to make the most of flexible working. It states that employees should not attend the workplace unless it is necessary to do so. The government also announced that it would like to see more people working from home.
Many businesses are already finding that employees are more productive and have better work-life balance when they work from home. Tools such as Slack can help connect employees with managers and colleagues. However, employers may be concerned about the effect on productivity and collaboration.